Sponsorzy - Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy Nr 2 w Przemyślu dla Niesłyszących i Niedosłyszących

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Osobom prywatnym i firmom chętnym do pomocy podajemy nasz adres oraz numer konta:

im. dr Janusza Korczaka
37-700 PRZEMYŚL ul. Czarnieckiego 27
centrala tel./fax (0-16) 676-04-00 do 02
e-mail: osrodek@sosw2przemysl.com

Nr konta:
05 1500 1634 1216 3004 8517 0000
z dopiskiem: Środki darowane na potrzeby Ośrodka

For any person or firm eager to help we enclose our address and account number:

To whom it may concern,

It is a great pleasure for me to introduce Special Educational Upbringing Centre No 2 in Przemyśl (Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy Nr 2 w Przemyślu). The centre was established in 1951 and it is designed for deaf children and young people aged 6-24. The centre provides its inhabitants with proper education, revalidation, relaxation and mental developement.The centre comprises:

   * 6-year Elementary School,
   * 3-year Grammar School,
   * 3-year Vocational School,
   * 5-year Secondary Vocational School,
   * 3-year Technical College based on Vocational School.

Our schools train students to become locksmiths, tailors/ dressmakers, mechanical engineers and electrical engineers.Most of the centre’s inhabitants come from poor and with many childrens families from Podkarpacki Region (south-eastern Poland). They stay in dormitories where they are provided with educational, pedagogical, psychological and medical care.The process of revalidating deaf children is based o developing their speaking abilities, teaching communication techniques, developing their gifts and interests, moulding appropriate attitudes and behaviour. On leaving the centre all graduates are provided with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead adult lives outside.To develop their interests young people:

   * have a free access to the library, fitness room and gym,
   * may participate in cookery coursees as well as art and computer classes,
   * may develop their interests in acting in a school theatre „Pinoccio”,
   * may develop their sports interests in a sport club „Niedźwiadek”,
   * may contribute to the centre’s magazine „Podpatrzone-Podsłuchane”.

The centre is named after Janusz Korczak. His aproach towards children full of love and respect and his idea of „pedagogy of heart” is a model for our teachers in their everyday work.Our centre is a regional institution situated on 2.5 hectares. It consists of five buildings as well as sports and recreational facilities. It is very expensive to keep and unfortunately, it is not subsidised enough. The financial resources we receive are too little to provide for all our children’s needs. Therefore the centre’s staff are trying to reach out to friendly people and institutions to help support their activities.

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